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After you learn to code web pages by hand in HTML, you can use a special program to increase efficiency and speed up web page creation. These programs are called generators. Dreamweaver is the industry standard. A good HTML generator will allow you to visually build a web page. You put things on the screen, and Dreamweaver will create the code for you. Dreamweaver will also help you use more complicated solutions like java, javascript and DHTML.

With Dreamweaver, you'll build better Internet web sites faster. Dreamweaver knowledge is a requirement for most web design jobs.

Dreamweaver Web Design Course - Part 1
* Setting up a Web Site
* Formatting Text and Web Page Properties
* Graphic Images
* Hyperlinks
* Image Maps
* Dreamweaver Templates
* HTML Tables
* Frames
* FTP FIle Uploading

Advanced Dreamweaver Web Design Course
* Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
* DHTML Layers
* Rollovers
* Disjointed Rollovers
* Browser version check
* Behaviors
* Commands
* HTML Clean-UP
* Web Photo Album creator

* Extensions and Extension Manager

You're going to dig Dreamweaver. It's an awesome web design course!


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