Dave Lieberman Dave Lieberman 8 49 2001-04-05T20:58:00Z 2001-04-17T20:17:00Z 1 225 1039 Human 28 11 1581 9.2720


Today, we’re going to put together separate elements to create the logo you see below!


When you scroll down, you will find a finished image, and the separate elements used to create it. You can right-click (ctrl+click mac) the images to save them to your hard drive.

You’ll be working in more than one layer. Remember, you can’t affect a layer unless it’s the active layer. (To make a layer active, click it on the Layer’s Palette)



This is the final image. The text uses a drop shadow and an inner bevel effect. Don't worry about using the same exact font, just shoot for the same effect.


Notice that different items are at different transparencies.



You can get the wavy effect seen in the final image by applying the Wave Filter. (FILTER-> DISTORT-> WAVE)


If you're using the trial version of photoshop, you might not have the Wave filter. Use one of the interesting blur filters instead. Go easy.



This image needs a lot of work. Compare it to the finished one above.


You’ll have to adjust the levels. (IMAGE-> ADJUST-> LEVELS)


You’ll also need to change the color. Use either Variations (IMAGE-> ADJUST-> VARIATIONS), or Color Balance (IMAGE-> ADJUST-> COLOR BALANCE).
You might want to try adding more red and yellow.


Go slowly.

When you're done, you'll want to select the horn, cut it out, and place it on top of the music sheet. What would be the easiest way to select the horn?




You’ll need to select, copy, and paste the CD. Then you’ll need to resize it (EDIT-> TRANSFORM), rotate it (EDIT-> TRANSFORM), and change it’s opacity on the Layer Palette! 


Have Fun!!!!